Beginners are looking for free SEO tools to get the results of their efforts. There are thousands of tools but why you will trust them. You need trusted SEO tools, to check the results of your efforts – or it may be any other purpose. If you don’t want to waste your money on highly paid SEO tools then you can use these tools as your well-wishers.

We’re not sure that these tools will work like paid but these are best than nothing. You should try once these tools because – many pro bloggers have used in their starting of career.

More about the accuracy,

We can’t trust but we have to trust because we don’t have to pay lots of money at the starting of a career. This is because no one has trust in him. Beginners can’t take the risk to buy paid tools because they don’t have any idea about the future. If we think about the accuracy of these tools then the first thing we think is – these are best than nothing.

Some free tools have 70$ to 85% correct data. You can trust them – and you have to trust them because hundreds of pro bloggers have told that these tools are best for beginners. Millions of their users force us to trust. This is a good reason to trust these free SEO tools. Lots of people found these tools helpful. Their reviews about these tools are the reasons to trust these free tools.

When we should not use it?

This is a good question that when you should not use these free SEO tools – Here is the answer.

You can use these for your whole life. If these tools help you in the beginning then why you ignore them when you got success.

This is because, in starting every blogger doesn’t trust paid tools – and doesn’t want to waste his money. But when he got some money from blogging, he invests from it to earn more.

This is also a good idea that you can use these tools in the beginning. Once you have got success then you’ve to invest in your business.

But the point is that you should not give bad reviews to those tools who helped you in the beginning. You can give a good review – for you a newbie.

So, use it till you want. Ignore but keep respect for them because – after you, someone else is going to use these tools.

Why don’t use these tools?

Everyone uses these tools. If someone says you do not use these tools then he may be rich or he wants you to buy a paid tool.

Pro bloggers, who have sensitive things like if they want to go check something accurate then they will not use these tools. I’m not saying that these tools are bad and they don’t use these tools because there is something not perfect in these tools.

I just want to point out that – the person who doesn’t use these tools has much money or he is not risky. You can use these SEO tools for free – and I’m sure that these tools will help you a lot at the beginning of a career.

SEO Tools by Google.

Google has also rocking SEO tools for you. Today in the world everyone trusts Google. If everyone trusts Google then you can also trust Googles’ free SEO tools.

Here I’m going to discuss some tools by Google, you can use them without any fear. These tools tested and trusted.

1. Keyword Planner.


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The key to success in every life is planning. If you have good planning about your future then it may be a successful story.

Keywords Planner is like – planner who tells you that what is right for you and what is not right for yours.

Keywords Planner is brought to you by Google Ad word. This is a totally free tool for keyword research.

This tool can help you in finding a perfect keyword. Purposes may be different but the tool is one – that is Google Keywords Planner.

In this tool – you can make a plan of keywords to do work on that keywords in the future.

Because this is a product of Google then it will tell you correct monthly search volume, low bid and high bid paid for this keyword, the competition of a particular keyword.

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You can limit your research to a particular country, language, and search networks. Further, you can download all your keyword ideas to send or save.

This information can help you a lot in choosing the right keyword to do work on it. You can save the selected keyword to check it in the future.

If you are a beginner – then it can help you to find a profitable niche. Finding a niche is the first step to success. If you found a good niche then you can do everything. If you jump into any unknown niche then it may be difficult to say about your success.

2. Analytics.


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This is also a free SEO tool for you by Google. By using this tool you can track your blog or business. This is a very helpful tool to check all about your website.

Creating a beautiful is not enough – you have to manage it. You’ll need to check its status. You’ll need to check that what is audience interaction with my site.

To, check all the things like this – Here is a free tool by Google for you and that is Analytics.

Once you have connected your site with analytics then you can track every activity on your site.

After pasting the tracking code in your HTML code you can start checking the analytics of your site.

Track every activity on your website including page views, active users, session duration, page per session, and bounce rate, etc.

In the audience section – you can check all about your audience. Overview, the language of users, location of users, new vs returning users, the network of users, devices, browsers.

In the acquisition section – you can check all about your traffic where your traffic is coming from and what are the most sources of your traffic. You can check how many users came from Organic searches, referral sites, social sites, direct and paid traffic.

In the behavior section – you will be able to see your website page views information. You can check all about your pages that what are some landing and exiting pages. Further, you can get info about site pages’ speed and events.

These were some valuable options of analytics tool, for more detail you can check analytics.

3. Console.

This is the tool that you need in SEO first. Getting traffic to checking traffic, is the work of Google Search Console.

If you have just created a site then you will add it to Google Console to show up your site in Google search result.

To show your site on Google. You will go to the Search Console – add a property, you will submit a sitemap.

After submitting your sitemap.xml to google, you will wait for some to show up on your site on Google.

This also a very helpful tool in blogging. You can submit all your sites to Google Search Console and check everything that is happening with your site in Google Searches.

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Submit your blog’s sitemap to Google and check errors in it. You can fix these errors easily by following the steps there.

Check all details about crawling.  Google bots will check your site and analyze then you can check crawl stats. You can check the older version of Google Console instead of the new version. You may not find crawl stats in the new version of Google Console.

Check the indexing of URLs. In the newer version, you can index your URLs manually.  Just go to Console and paste your post link In the tops of Google Console, and request index. After indexed, you can that – URL is on Google or not?

In performance – you can analyze the performance of your website. You can check all clicks, visits are your query, impression of your URL, average CTR, average position.

Some other features are like you can check index coverage, links, and security issues, etc.

Backlinks Checker

Backlinks Checker Tools. Backlinks are the main thing in Off-page SEO. If you are creating a lot of backlinks and you don’t have any paid tool to check your backlinks then you can trust these free backlinks Checker by Neil Patel, and the biggest SEO tools company Ahrefs, and SmallSEOtool’s backlinks Checker.

1. Neil Patel’s Backlinks Checker.

This is another best SEO tool for beginners. On Patel’s website, you can check many SEO tools and they are totally free. If you run a blog and you are new to this field you can get better guidance from this website. There are many articles relating to blogging and SEO is on Neil Patel’s blog.

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Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest was introduced earlier but the backlinks Checker is a newer tool in Neil Patel’s website.

Neil Patel is struggling to make a website like Ahrefs, he is introducing SEO tools day by day.

After the success of Ubersuggest, he launched a new SEO tool – and that is Backlinks Checker.

There are not only backlinks Checker or Ubersuggest there are many other tools on this website but we will discuss them in the same post below.


By visiting Neil Patel’s Backlinks Checker you can check all the links to your site.

Once you have searched a domain in it then you can see,

Domain Score DS: DS is given to any site is based on on-site Google ranking. It starts at 1 and the last point is 100.

All the links to your site from other sites.  Like if your blogs’ URL is pasted on 10 other sites then these 10 are your backlinks.

Referring Domains:
All the unique sites that are giving backlinks to your site. If you get 3 backlinks from 1 site then your referring domain is only one. Monthly traffic:
Total organic monthly traffic that your site achieves.Further Options:
You can export your results, search for any backlink, filter backlinks, and many more.

2. Ahrefs Backlinks Checker.

If we’re writing SEO tools for beginners then it would our mistake not to mention any ahrefs tool. Ahrefs says that they have a database of every website. Their website is second the world’s largest crawler. This tool, keeps data refreshing every fifteen minutes.

Due to the ahrefs website.

They have sixteen trillion known links, about to 170 know domains, and 5 billion pages crawling per day.

This is true – they know about everyone. They have the largest database of websites. They get paid for this – because people trust their tools.

There are some paid tools for this company but they introduced a free backlinks Checker for all. Like Neil Patel’s Backlinks Checker, you can get more information here in ahrefs Backlinks Checker.


This SEO tool has some great features and user interfaces.

When checking for any domain or URL it will show you all about website backlinks.

It will show you the number of dofollow backlinks and all follow referring Domains.

On the top, it shows the DR domain ratings that increase with Google rankings. Further, you can check UR that’s means URL ratings.

At the bottom – you can see the top hundred backlinks of the particular domain. Here you can check the top five anchor text and top pages.

A more special option is like, you can export your results to save or send. You can see followed and no-followed links.

You can mark spam links in the disavow section. You can import this file to Google’s disavow tool.

3. SmallSEOTools’s Backlinks Checker.

This is also from the best SEO tools for beginners. By name this website is small but it has some valuable and big tools. If you think there is nothing in the world that is free then you are wrong because this interesting tool is free. They are providing lots of tools to analyze your website and the website of your competitors.

But here we are going to discuss all the information about their backlinks checker. You can check your or your competitor’s backlinks.

Here are some valuable option of this tool,


I’m giving this as an option because there is trust there is everything. We can trust this tool to check backlinks because I’ve tested this tool on my own blog – the result was accurate.


Like other tools, I have shared in this post this tool has some related features.

You can check the numbers of backlinks and track that where these backlinks are coming from.

You can increase your blogging skills by following the competitor’s method of getting backlinks.

It also shows the ahrefs domain ratings in the result. Like ahrefs tools you can check the URLs of backlinks then you can also create backlinks from – if it is possible.

You can check that – which method your competitor is using to get backlinks. It may be commenting, web 2.0, or profile linking.

Tools For Keyword Research.

One best keyword research tool, we have discussed at the top of the post and is Google’s keyword planner but now we are going to know some other keyword research tools.

1. Keyword Everywhere.

This is also a trusted and tested SEO tool for beginners. My favorite SEO tool is the keyword everywhere. There is a word in its name that “everywhere”, it works as it has meaning.

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If you are searching some on Google or bing then this tool is time with you everywhere you are. It works fine and shows accurate results

Everyone trust and use this tool if he is a beginner or pro – this is because if you have a paid then you will to login into it to use and get a result but on ‘keyword everywhere’ you just need to login once, after this wherever you search something it will show the results.


To use this tool you have to install its extension on the Chrome web browser or Mozilla Firefox. After installing this extension you have to verify your account by pasting the API key in this extension.

Features are clean and understanding that you can check everything everywhere. Now I am going to show you an example.

After installing this extension, go to Google and search “new cars”,

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In your keyword “new cars” it will show the search volume first then it will show CPC and last it shows the competition on a particular keyword in the search engine.

This was a real-time feature of this free SEO tool, now we take a glance at this extension’s features.

In extension, you can import your keyword but this feature is not currently working because it closed by the author.

You can check the list of your starred keyword (to star a keyword just click on the keyword, where you’re searched).

Further, you can customize it in settings, and wait for its coming soon feature that is Stats.

2. Ubersuggest,

I think I have told you about Patel’s backlink check in the same post. Now we are going to get some information about Ubersuggest.

As you know that this also a Free SEO tool by Neil Patel, you visit his site to see this amazing Keyword ideas generator.


Once you have searched about a keyword then you will be able to see the graph of search that is really amazing the makes this Free SEO tool different from the tools. In the graph, Neil shows the number of searches for some months. You can think better than what is going on with this keyword in the next coming, month – will this keyword be good for you?

Under the graph, you will be able to see the value of the keyword. Patel will tell you everything about the keyword.

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You can check your keyword’s search volume, trends that are based on the past 12 months, CPC, PD paid difficulty, SD SEO difficulty, DS domain score.

10 Free SEO Tools That Are Really Amazing free seo tools for backlinks, free seo tools like ahrefs, free seo tools backlink checker, free seo analytics tools, all free seo tools,free seo tools neil patel, free SEO tools, free seo

Further, you can see some related keywords, you can copy them to your clipboard, you can export the CSV file.

The amazing feature is that – Patel suggests you work or not work on the keyword. In my suggestion, he will show the percentage of your chances to rank in the top 20.

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More, this tool will show the estimated visits from a particular keyword to a website. In bonus, it will tell you the number of sharing on social sites, and the backlinks on that website.

3. Keyword Shitter.

These are my favorite SEO tools for beginners. This is also an important famous free SEO tool in the industry. This is famous because of its loop feature. This is also a helpful tool you want to generate thousands of keywords.


Once you will put a keyword to it then it will start a loop of keywords. It will generate many keywords from one keyword.

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You can hit the stop button to stop the loop keywords. Like other keyword research tools, you can export all keywords from this free SEO tool.

Not only a keyword shitter, but it shits tag also. If you are a YouTuber then it may be an amazing tool for you.

SEO Analyzer Tools,

SEO analysis is an important thing in SEO, you have to create your site as a search wants it. To manage your site for a search you have to check your site SEO.

For this purpose, I’m going to share some free SEO tools, that can help you in managing your site for a search engine.

1. Neil Patel’s SEO Analyzer.

We have read about Neil’s SEO tools in the same post two times. Now we are going to fetch some information about his SEO Analyzer.

Site Audit,

10 Free SEO Tools That Are Really Amazing free seo tools for backlinks, free seo tools like ahrefs, free seo tools backlink checker, free seo analytics tools, all free seo tools,free seo tools neil patel, free SEO tools, free seo

In his SEO Analyzer tool, you can see all information about your blog that what is happening with your blog, is your blog optimized for Search Engine, Is your blog SEO score well, all that information you can get from here to beat your competitor.


At the top, it will show your blog’s On-Page SEO score, organic monthly traffic that you get from a search engine, organic keywords that rank in a search engine, and numbers of backlinks.


10 Free SEO Tools That Are Really Amazing free seo tools for backlinks, free seo tools like ahrefs, free seo tools backlink checker, free seo analytics tools, all free seo tools,free seo tools neil patel, free SEO tools, free seo

Under this, it will show you crawled pages, critical errors, warnings, and recommendations. Here, it also shows your site speed.

You can follow Neil’s guide to solving these errors and warnings. If you want some improvements then you can follow recommendations.


Hey guys, I hope that this was easy to read and understand. I shared some tools with you that are free SEO tools. If you liked these tools then share this with friends. If you want any other free SEO tool then please comment, I’ll try my best to find your desired tool. Listen, this article is written by a human for by a machine, if you found any mistake in the article then please comment, So, we may check the mistakes. Thank You.


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